
Loss and damage statement

The under-signed organizations, recognising that the UN finds that climate disasters are now occurring at the rate of one per week and such disasters are set to cost at least $300 billion per year by 2030, call for an end to the stalemate in the negotiations on the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) and the creation of a comprehensive financing facility, including debt relief, for developing countries experiencing such disasters.

A new fund should be financed through regular contributions from wealthy countries and other means, such as taxes on financial transactions, international air travel, and fossil fuels. Funds should be disbursed to both governments and independent agencies, especially locally-based and women-led ones that are best able to reach those affected and/or contribute to lasting recovery and resilience.

An interest-free moratorium on debt payments should become automatic for developing countries experiencing climate disasters, in order to provide immediate access to resources which are already in the hands of the authorities and thus do not have to be mobilised through lengthy pledging exercises. This should be complemented by resources from the new fund and a pre-designed framework for restructuring the entire stock of existing public external debt while allowing sufficient fiscal space for reconstruction to avert future debt crises. To be effective the scope of the debt relief must be comprehensive, covering both private and official creditors.

Without a reliable and comprehensive financing facility to ensure finance to help countries cope with climate-induced loss & damage, the most vulnerable parts of the world will sink deeper into debt and poverty every time they are hit by climate disasters they did not cause.

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This statement was drafted by a growing group of organisations concerned about climate loss and damage and debt and undertaking joint advocacy and campaigning. If your organisation would like to get more involved in this joint work please contact: Soren.Ambrose@actionaid.org

Endorsed by: (158 organisations in total)

International organisations and regional networks

  1. ActionAid International
  2. ACT Alliance
  3. Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development
  4. Association for Climate Action Network Eastern Africa
  5. CARE International
  6. Christian Aid
  7. Climate Action Network – International
  8. Climate Action Network – South Asia (CANSA)
  9. Cooperation Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE)
  10. European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)
  11. The European Research Network on Social and Economic Policy (ERENSEP)
  12. Green Economy Coalition
  13. Initiative for Equality
  14. International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
  15. Islamic Relief Worldwide
  16. Jubilee Caribbean
  17. Mercy Corps
  18. Oxfam
  19. Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
  20. Practical Action
  21. Public Services International (PSI)
  22. Society for International Development (SID)
  23. Tax Justice Network
  24. Third World Network
  25. Women’s Environment and Development Organization
  26. WWF International
  27. 350.org

National organisations

  1. Australian Marine Conservation Society
  2. Australian Parents for Climate Action
  3. Australian Religious Response to Climate Change
  4. Climate Action Hobart (Australia)
  5. Climate Action Monaro (Australia)
  6. Climate Action Moreland (Australia)
  7. Climate and Health Alliance (Australia)
  8. Climate Justice Programme (Australia)
  9. Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education (Australia)
  10. Lighter Footprints (Australia)
  11. Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales (Australia)
  12. Pacific Calling Partnership (Australia)
  13. Parramatta Climate Action Network (Australia)
  14. Riverview Community Services Inc (Australia)
  15. Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania (Australia)
  16. 350 Australia
  17. Attac Austria
  18. Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishop’s Conference for International Development and Mission (KOO)
  19. Aid Organization (Bangladesh)
  20. Arjon Foundation (Bangladesh)
  21. Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament
  22. Center for Participatory Research and Development (Bangladesh)
  23. Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh (EquityBD)
  24. International Centre for Climate Change and Development (Bangladesh)
  25. Oxfam in Bangladesh
  26. Shariatpur Development Society (Bangladesh)
  27. Songshoptaque (Bangladesh)
  28. Women’s Voice (Bangladesh)
  29. YouthNet for Climate Justice (Bangladesh)
  30. Change Partnership (Belgium)
  31. Corporate Europe Observatory (Belgium)
  32. CNCD-11.11.11 (Belgium)
  33. 11.11.11 (Belgium)
  34. Plataforma Boliviana frente al Cambio Climático
  35. Gestos (Brazil)
  36. AidWatch Canada
  37. British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (Canada)
  38. Actions Communautaires Pour Le Developpement Integral (DR Congo)
  39. La Ruta del Clima (Costa Rica)
  40. Ekumenical Academy (Czech Republic)
  41. CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France)
  42. CliMates (France)
  43. Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) (France)
  44. Réseau Foi & Justice Afrique Europe antenne France
  45. Secours Catholique – Caritas France
  46. Brot für die Welt (Germany)
  47. DEAB (Dachverband Entwicklungspolitik Baden-Württemberg) e.V. (Germany)
  48. erlassjahr.de (Jubilee Germany)
  49. Ethical Shareholders Germany
  50. Katholischer Deutscher Frauenbund (KDFB) Bistum Speyer (Germany)
  51. MISEREOR – German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation
  52. Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland (NAD) (Germany)
  53. Werkstatt Ökonomie (Germany)
  54. Abibiman Foundation (Ghana)
  55. UndebtedWorld (Greece)
  56. National Society of Conservationists – Friends of the Earth Hungary
  57. Association For Promotion Sustainable Development (India)
  58. Integrated Research and Action for Development (India)
  59. International Movement for Advancement of Education Culture Social & Economic Development (IMAECSED) (India)
  60. Udyama (India)
  61. ActionAid Ireland
  62. Financial Justice Ireland
  63. Friends of the Earth Ireland
  64. Trocaire (Ireland)
  65. Focsiv (Italy)
  66. Funzione Pubblica CGIL (FPCGIL) (Italy)
  67. Bio Vision Africa (Kenya)
  68. Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center (Kenya)
  69. Power Shift Africa (Kenya)
  70. Action Solidarite Tiers Monde (ASTM) (Luxembourg)
  71. Etika Asbl (Luxembourg)
  72. Friends of the Earth Malaysia
  73. Instituto Nacional de Ecologia y Cambio Climatico (Mexico)
  74. Community Empowerment and Social Justice (CEMSOJ) Network (Nepal)
  75. Rural Area Development Programme (RADP) (Nepal)
  76. United Mission to Nepal
  77. Golden change concerned youth forum, Nigeria
  78. Caritas Norge (Norway)
  79. Changemaker Norway
  80. Debt Justice Norway (SLUG)
  81. Friends of the Earth Norway (Naturvernforbundet)
  82. Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Norway
  83. Norwegian Church Aid
  84. Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan
  85. Fair Finance Asia Philippines
  86. Institute of Global Responsibility (Poland)
  87. Ekvilib Institut (Slovenia)
  88. EnaBanda (Slovenia)
  89. Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda en Sanidad (Spain)
  90. Coordinadora de ONGD (Spain)
  91. Ecologistas en Acción (Spain)
  92. Ingeniería sin Fronteras (Spain)
  93. NOVACT International Institute for Nonviolent Action (Spain)
  94. Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización (ODG) (Spain)
  95. Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda (Spain)
  96. Conservation Action Trust (South Africa)
  97. Alliance Sud (Switzerland)
  98. CAN Tanzania
  99. Center for Peace Education and Community Development (Uganda)
  100. Climate Action Network – Uganda
  101. Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development
  102. Amigos del Viento (Uruguay)
  103. Bretton Woods Project (UK)
  104. Church Action for Tax Justice (UK)
  105. Environmental Justice Foundation (UK)
  106. Global Justice Now (UK)
  107. Jubilee Debt Campaign (UK)
  108. London Mining Network (UK)
  109. Polyp cartoons (UK)
  110. Positive Money (UK)
  111. Quakers in Britain (UK)
  112. Stamp Out Poverty (UK)
  113. Sustainable Innovations for Development Action (UK)
  114. Tearfund (UK)
  115. UK Youth Climate Coalition
  116. War on Want (UK)
  117. Women’s Environmental Network (UK)
  118. Center for Biological Diversity (US)
  119. Climate Caretakers (US)
  120. Corporate Accountability (US)
  121. Earth Action, Inc. (US)
  122. EcoEquity (US)
  123. Edmund Rice International (US)
  124. Franciscan Action Network (US)
  125. Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy (US)
  126. Hope Border Institute (US)
  127. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (US)
  128. Rainforest Relief (US)
  129. Salesian Missions (US)
  130. Sisters of Charity Federation (US)
  131. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (US)
  132. Green Innovation and Development Centre(GreenID) (Vietnam)
  133. Planned Governance Network (Zambia)
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