Responding to the results of the Greek referendum, Sarah-Jayne Clifton, Director of Jubilee Debt Campaign said:
“This is a historic defeat for austerity in Europe. Despite all the scaremongering and outright bullying and intimidation, the people of Greece have chosen hope over fear. Now it is time for Europe’s leaders to respect democracy and take responsibility for a crisis that their banks and financial institutions helped create.
Greece needs substantial debt cancellation, as even the IMF has finally acknowledged. This will require honesty from European leaders that the real purpose of the bailouts was to save European banks. And it will require the type of leadership we saw from their counterparts in 1953 when they cancelled half of Germany’s debt. Justice, and democracy, demand nothing less.”
- Sign the Europe-wide petition to resolve debt crises >>
- At least 90% of the Greek bailout has paid off reckless lenders >>
- 6 key points about Greece’s debt >>
- How Europe cancelled Germany’s debt in 1953 >>
- The IMF has made €2.5 billion profit out of Greece loans >>