
Stop debt ruining lives – Reset the Debt!

Head shot photo of Rishi SunakCovid-19 has been the biggest shock of our generation. The past year has been stressful for all of us. 

The government’s roadmap to recovery from this crisis won’t work if it doesn’t care for the people most impacted by debt. 

Key workers who’ve followed government guidance by shielding, parents who stayed at home to care for others, young people forced to work less or who lost their jobs altogether are all left facing a financial black hole.

The scale of this crisis — affecting more than 1 in 6 adults in the UK — needs a proportionate solution. To get us through the pandemic, it’s vital that the government cancels unpayable Covid-19 debts. 

The Chancellor must urgently take action to cancel household debt. Here are the steps to get there:

  • Freeze all evictions and bailiff activity against people in debt
  • Clear debts for people who are renting or have council tax debt through a government grant 
  • Change the system to make it easier for people to get out of debt and move forward from this pandemic and future crises

We call on the government to do whatever it takes to reset the debt and make sure everyone in our communities can live with dignity, debt-free.

This briefing provides further detail of the case for action and the measures needed to Reset The Debt.

Jubilee Debt Campaign, along with Churches and charities, are calling on the Government to Reset The Debt. You can find out more about the campaign at https://resetthedebt.uk/ 


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