This booklet contains six bible studies for Christians and churches on faith and economics. The booklet can be used by discussion groups or individuals.
The six studies cover:
- 1) ‘Good news for the poor’: Why debts should sometimes not be paid
- 2) ‘Debt jubilees’: What causes positive changes to happen
- 3) ‘Hoarding wealth’: How inequality causes financial crises
- 4) ‘Tax injustice’: How rich people are made poor
- 5) ‘Breaking the mould’: Gender inequality
- 6) ‘Forgive us our debts’ Who really owes who?
Free printed copies of the booklet can be ordered from Jubilee Debt Campaign by emailing or calling 020 7324 4722.
Jubilee Debt Campaign is an organisation of all faiths and none, but takes inspiration from the ancient and biblical concept of jubilee, a time when debts were cancelled, slaves set free, land was redistributed and fields left fallow.
This training material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. It is the sole responsibility of Jubilee Debt Campaign and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.