Do you want to learn how to expose dodgy practices of companies and governments? Do you want to join with others to use research to expose injustice? Then join us for this FREE training and research event.
Saturday 5 October 2013
9.45am – 4.30pm, London
During the day we will hear from and question experienced researchers on how they conducted the research to expose corrupt companies, reveal unjust tax deals, and shed a light on injustice. You will learn techniques such as Freedom of Information requests, how to investigate company accounts, work out complex webs of ownership, online research tips and the use of National Archives.
Having learned from these researchers, we will establish research groups who on the day will investigate a particular company and issue. As well as providing individuals with tools to conduct their own research to support campaigns for justice, we hope this event will also help researchers work together on future projects.
To be held at:
World Development Movement
66 Offley Road, London, SW9 0LS
(Nearest tube: Oval).
To register for this event, please email When you register, please also say if there are particular companies or issues you would like to investigate on the day.
UPDATE: 30th September
This event is now FULL, so further registrations will be added to a stand-by list. If you have registered but are unable to attend, please email asap so we can offer the place to someone else.
Organised by: The Corner House, Jubilee Debt Campaign, London Mining Network and PLATFORM, with Corporate Watch, People & Planet, Tax Justice Network, Trade Justice Movement, War on Want and World Development Movement.