Jubilee Debt Campaign has affiliates at national, local and regional levels. All affiliates are equal partners in the organisation and provide the backbone for our campaigning.
By affiliating, your group or organisation can:
- Receive regular campaign updates by post and / or email
- Participate in our Campaigns Working Group, which helps shape our campaign strategy and actions
- Nominate a representative for election to our Board
- Apply for small Local Activity Fund grants to pay for debt campaigning initiatives (local/regional groups only)
- Request speakers from the Jubilee Debt Campaign for your local and regional events
- Host events with international speakers from Jubilee Debt Campaign’s overseas allies when they come to visit
- Play a more active role in supporting this crucial campaign for economic justice.
Affiliate now
To affiliate online, please complete the form below. You can also download the affiliation form here and post it to us at: Jubilee Debt Campaign, Oxford House, London E2 6HG.
NB. If you are an existing affiliate, you can re-affiliate for 2021 here.