
Understanding debt concepts and accessing debt information

In the spring of 2020 Jubilee Debt Campaign organised a series of webinars on understanding key debt concepts and accessing debt information. The content from these webinars is available below.

Webinar 1: Key debt concepts 
The first webinar was in understanding debt concepts such as ‘external v domestic’, ‘debt service, interest and amortization’, ‘concessional v non-concessional’ and categories of debt such as ‘multilateral’, ‘bilateral’, ‘bonds’ and ‘syndicated loans’.

You can watch the webinar (1 hour) here.

The powerpoint presentation from the webinar is here.

Webinar 2: World Bank and IMF data sources 
The second webinar was in understanding how to get debt information from the World Bank’s International Debt Statistics, as well as IMF Debt Sustainability Analyses. These are good sources of information on amount of debt owed, loans disbursed, debt payments made and due, and all of these by groupings of different creditors.

You can watch the webinar (1 hour) here.

Webinar 3: Other sources of government debt information
This webinar was in other sources of information on public debt including bonds, bond prospectuses, the Paris Club, loans from China database and national governments.

You can watch the webinar (1 hour) here.

Campaigners from the Mozambique Budget Monitoring Forum and Jubilee Debt Campaign outside the UK Treasury in May 2019.

eu-flag-smallThese webinars were produced with the financial support of the European Union. They are the sole responsibility of Jubilee Debt Campaign and Citizens for Financial Justice and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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