
5 things you can do now

There are lots of ways to get involved in the campaign against debt as a weapon of control, starting now:

1. Take our latest action against debt injustice

Together our voices are powerful! Add yours to our latest campaign action.

2. Get informed

Join our email list for the most important campaign news and action alerts, and sign-up to receive our free Drop It! magazine through the post (twice a year).

3. Support our work by donating

Individual donations keep us fighting for debt justice.

4. Find out what is going on in your area

Check out our events and workshops or become part of our national network of activists. Whether you’ve done loads of campaigning before or you’re completely new to this, if you want to take your activism to the next level, our local groups and Debt Justice Activist Network is the space for you!


5. Affiliate your local group, faith congregation or trade union

Affiliated groups are a key part of our campaign.

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