
We Can Win: Stories from 50 years of struggle (Free film launch!)


These ten moving and often funny short films document a proud 50 year history of campaigning, strikes, occupations, work ins and solidarity in the name of fair pay, decent jobs, and economic justice.


Tuesday 14 January 2014, 6.30pm

Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA

The films are made up of interviews with key organisers, speaking about the tactics they used, what was successful, what wasn’t, and where they see the struggle for economic justice going today.

The film night will also feature a discussion with the film maker, and organisers from key current economic justice movements in London for a chance to talk about how social justice activists today can learn from the lessons of other movements past and present.

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Films featuring:

• St Pancras Rent Strike 1960
• Dagenham Equal Pay Strikes 1968 & 1984
• Upper Clyde Shipworkers work in 1971 – 1972
• Grunwick Strike 1976 – 1978
• The Miners’ Strike 1984 – 1985
• The Poll Tax Rebellion 1989 – 1993
• Liverpool Dockers’ Strike 1995 – 1998
• The Living Wage 2002 – 2007 (and ongoing)
• Occupy (London) 2011 – now
• Disabled People Against Cuts & UK Uncut: now

Watch the trailer:

See more detailed information on the films here >>

The films form part of the Economic Justice Project which aims to provide opportunities for people to learn about the basics of economics and the financial crisis, vital tools for social and economic justice activists. It also brings people together who have similar aims, but don’t usually work together. From global justice campaigners, to anti-cuts activists, there has never been a better time to recognise what we share and how we can strengthen each other’s work.

Films produced by Jubilee Debt Campaign for the Economic Justice Project.


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